Vision:To become a leading trusted solution provider in the ETRM domain
Mission: DCT will help Energy Trading companies solve business problems that have high impact to their bottom-line using advanced data analytics and software solutions, and support communities on STEM education to fulfill social responsibility.
Technology alone does not enable a business. It is the knack of laying the business processes over technology that makes technology work for the business. We at DCT believe that superior business acumen coupled with exceptional technical ability is quintessential to advance the performance of an enterprise. DCT's team is formed based on this philosophy, with highly talented and experienced professionals from the industry who can deliver high value-added services to its clients. We provide opportunities to young talents and transform them to be cognizant producers. The focus areas of DCT are ETRM (Energy Trading and Risk Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for the Energy and Utilities industries.
DCT offers three distinct services to Energy trading clients
We provide opportunities to young talents and transform them to be cognizant producers.
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